"Jen, I think we need to take Rocko to the emergency vet..." Those words from my husband at 3 AM still make my heart race.
Our beloved Golden Retriever, usually bouncing off the walls with energy, was lying in the corner, scratching himself raw and whimpering in pain.
The flea infestation had gotten so bad that Max had developed severe dermatitis, and his usual playful spirit was completely gone.
As a devoted dog mom, seeing him suffer was unbearable.
So I started researching every solution under the sun to see what vets were recommending to deal with cases of flea infestation.
The only problem I found was that all of the chemical collars they recommended had a laundry list of side effects and seemed to do more harm than good.
And medications didn’t seem to treat the root cause of the problem or provide long lasting relief, as soon as he stopped taking the medication, the fleas came right back.
I was starting to get frustrated, so before bed I posted to facebook asking if any of my friends had any suggestions.